I love to design creative and elegant websites and apps
using HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript and its popular frameworks.
Utilizing front-end technologies combined with server-side
frameworks. I've worked on several projects - solo and
with an Agile team. I love to cook, while pretending I'm
a chef - and keep up with all things IoT in my pastime.
Feel free to browse through my GitHub or my LinkedIn profile by clicking the icons below.
HTML5/CSS3, Responsive Design, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, React.JS, Angular
Node, Express, Algorithms, Protoyping, MVC, APIs, JSON, NPM
SQL, noSQL (MongoDB), Advanced Excel, Firebase
GitHub, Heroku
Description: The Daily Mailer lets the users view and leave comments
on the latest news from AJ English. In addition to showing the most
recent finds, users can also leave a note on the article for later.
Tech Stack: HTML5/CSS3 | JavaScript | MongoDB | Express.JS | Node.JS
| NPM: Axios, CheerioJS, Mongoose
Description: Bamazon Pantry is a CLI based store-front from where you
can purchase your grocery items from. Using mySQL database in the back
Bamazon Pantry shows you the inventory, let's you make a selection and
checks-out the items. It automatically recalculates the stock and updates
the inventory as well.
Tech Stack: Command Line Interface | Node.JS | JavaScript | NPM
Inquirer | SQL
Description: Tacoya is a food-truck app that lets users input the
names of tacos they'd like to eat and whenever a user submits a taco, the
app displays the taco on the left side of the page -- waiting to be picked
up. Then each taco in the waiting area also has a `Pick Up!` button. When
the user clicks it, the taco moves to the right side of the page. Tacoya
also stores every taco in a database, whether it has been picked up or not.
Tech Stack: Handlebars | JavaScript | Express | Node | SQL +
Sequelize ORM
Description: A simple word guess game with a "major cities of the
World" theme. Written in Vanila Javascript, without any libraries or APIs
(not even jQuery). To play,click on the "start new game" button. Guess a
letter by typing your guess on your keyboard. If you guess incorrectly 10sfs
times, you lose. If you guess the word before that happens, you win. After
you win or lose, you can restart the game by pressing the "start new game"
Tech Stack: HTML5/CSS3 | Vanilla JavaScript | Algorithms
Description: Find a GIF! let's the user search and a create a button
for a custom GIF by utilizing the GIPHY API. When one of the custom buttons
or the pre-exisiting buttons is clicked, the app loads 10 GIFs, displays
their rating and their title. The rating and title are pulled from the JSON
object returned by GIPHY. A user can click on the GIF to play or pause it as
Tech Stack: HTML5/CSS3 | JavaScript | jQuery | GIPHY API | JSON
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